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Seville by Bike: The Ultimate Guide to Cycling Around

Seville is one of the most bike friendly cities in Spain. With over 180km (111 miles) of bike lanes, only Madrid and Barcelona have more. Seville is also a flat city, making the use of bikes an even more appealing idea.

Here is our suggestion for the ultimate bike tour route, which takes in some of the most important landmarks the city has to offer. 

It is approximately 11.5km (approximately 7 miles), follows the bike lanes where possible, and flows with the direction of traffic once it enters the old town’s winding one way streets. For those non-cyclists, it also makes a nice walking tour to take in the sights at a more leisurely pace.

A man cycling in a bike lane in a neighborhood of Seville, Spain.
Exploring Seville by bike is one of the best ways to experience the city. Photo credit: ajay_suresh

Starting point: Plaza del Altozano

Our starting point is the Plaza del Altozano in Triana, just across the river from Seville. This little square serves as the gateway to Triana. With the Triana market on one side and Calle Betis on the other, it is a great spot to start our tour fuelled and ready for the journey ahead. 

From this plaza we head across Triana bridge, whose correct name is Puente de Isabel II, to reach Seville proper. This ironwork bridge has become a symbol of the city and offers unparalleled views of the waterfront. Once we cross the bridge, you have a decision to make. 

Do you want to cycle by the waterfront, taking in the views of Calle Betis on the other side of the river, or do you want to cycle at street level and take in some of Seville’s key points of interest? 

  • The two routes will come together further down the river as we head into the city. If you choose the river route, skip to stop 3 where the two converge.
  • To get to the river, turn right once you leave the bridge and follow the bike lane as it heads to the river level.
A woman biking in Seville across the Triana bridge.
There’s so much to explore in Triana by bike. Photo credit: Paul VanDerWerf

Stop one: Plaza de Toros

Leave the bridge, turn right onto Paseo de Cristóbal Colón. The first landmark we come across is the Real Maestranza. This is the city’s bullring and is considered the most beautiful in Spain. Construction started in 1730, and it was originally square, though this was changed to its current shape for safety in 1733. 

Construction was stopped in 1768 after the king at the time, Charles III, outlawed bullfighting. It was completed for the first time in 1811 and then redesigned in 1914-15 by Aníbal González into the structure you see today. 

As this tour progresses, more examples of Aníbal González’s transformation of Seville are highlighted, most notably, the Plaza de España. While bullfighting remains a controversial subject within Spain, you cannot deny its cultural significance. 

Ariel view of Real Maestranza.
Do you agree that Real Maestranza is the most beautiful bullring in Spain? Photo credit: Shai Pal

Stop two: Torre del Oro

Continue straight down Paseo de Cristóbal Colón. On the right pass the Teatro de la Maestranza, home to the Royal Symphonic Orchestra and serves as the Opera house of Seville. Keep going straight and on the left is the Torre del Oro, the Tower of Gold

Once believed to house the gold that came from the new world, its name is now believed to come from the tiles that once adorned the side, which flashed gold in the sun. This beloved local landmark now houses the Royal Naval museum. The view from the top is something that cannot be missed.

People walking and cycling near Torre del Oro in Seville.
Don’t bike too fast or you’ll speed past all the lovely monuments in Seville. Photo credit: JP Files

Stop three: Palacio San Telmo

Here is where the two paths converge. If you were on the river route, join back up to road level by Puerta de Jerez. After Puerta de Jerez, the road becomes Paseo de Delicias. Continue on and on the right the Palacio de San Telmo comes into view. 

This Palace has been through many iterations in its history. It began as the seminary for the university of seafarers, then the residence of  a duke and la infanta Maria Luisa, after whom the park is named after, then back to a seminary and finally it was returned to its palace status in 1992.

The chapel inside is considered one of the jewels of Seville. Visits inside are available by appointment only.

Palacio San Telmo in Seville, Spain.
Cruise around Palacio San Telmo and check out the classic Baroque architecture. Photo credit: Emilio Sánchez

Stop four: Maria Luisa and Plaza de España

Follow the paseo de las delicias over the roundabout. On the right is Maria Luisa Park. We will be entering it from another entrance. At the Pabellón de México, take a right on Avenida de la Guardia Civil then turn onto Avenida de la Borbolla then turn right onto Avenida de Don Pelayo.

You now find yourself in Parque Maria Luisa, widely considered to be the most beautiful park in Seville and originally part of the palacio de San Telmo, which was opened to the public in 1914, with later additions being included for the Ibero-American Exhibition. Some of these can be found in the Plaza de América, on the left of where we entered. 

These buildings now house the archeology museum and the museum of Arts and customs. Both are well worth a visit for those interested in history. Go through the park and the magnificent Plaza de España comes into view.

People walking around and exploring Plaza de España.
Reward yourself with a little break and explore Plaza de España. Photo credit: Andres Garcia

Stop 5: Tobacco factory 

Leave the park and head towards Prado de San Sebastián. Go around this small part and turn left at the roundabout to head down Calle San Fernando. On the right there is Jardines de Murillo, a narrow park that offers shady spots to relax in before heading into the narrow streets in the maze that is the Santa Cruz neighborhood

Go past this park and on the left is the old tobacco factory (Calle San Fernando, 4). This stunning building is now a part of the University of Seville and features in Bizet’s opera Carmen.

Local’s Tip:

  • From Calle San Fernando until Plaza Nueva, you will still be on a cycle path, however, it goes from being green and easy to identify to being marked with raised metal circles which are harder to see. 
Narrow streets in the Santa Cruz neighborhood in Seville.
Be careful of the narrow streets in the Santa Cruz neighborhood. Photo credit: Tânia Mousinho

Stop 6: Plaza del Triunfo

Head past the Tobacco Factory. On the left there is Hotel Alfonso XIII. This Hotel was built for the Ibero-American Exposition and was opened officially by King Alfonso XIII in 1928. 

You may recognize this building from the screen, it was used in both Lawrence of Arabia and more recently in The Crown. At the bottom of the street, turn into the wide boulevard of Avenida de Constitución. This pedestrianized street links several key locations. Head down this street and on the right is the Archivo de Indias

This stunning building was completed in 1645 and serves as the archive of documents relating to Spain’s overseas territories and thus is one of the most important document centers in relation to the exploration of the New World. Use this as the landmark to turn up Calle Fray Ceferino González and into the Plaza del Triunfo.

This Plaza is the perfect place to take in two of the most important locations in Seville: 

  • On one side, there is the spectacular Cathedral: Originally built as a mosque in the 12th Century, following the reconquest it was transformed into a Christian Cathedral, which has been modified and extended many times over the centuries. Attached, the unmistakable La Giralda, the symbol of the city, which was once the Minaret of that original mosque. Little else remains of the original structure, except for the Patio de los Naranjos, the Patio of Orange trees. 
  • On the other side, there is the Real Alcázar: This is a royal palace with a history dating back to the Islamic era. 

Local’s tip:

  •  If you are looking for a place to stop for a bite to eat or to refresh, Mateos Gago, the pedestrian street directly opposite the Giralda is a good place to start. Filled with bars and restaurants, it is a great place to sit back, relax and watch the world go by.
  • We absolutely recommend pairing some orange wine with a selection of cold tapas from our friends at Álvaro Peregil (Calle Mateos Gago, 22). 
A group stands in the center of Seville's Alcazar, admiring its beauty
Enjoy the Alcazar from outside, as well as, from the inside.

Stop 7: Plaza Nueva

Leave Plaza del Triunfo the same way you entered and continue down Avenida de la Constitución and follow the curve of the road until you reach a large Plaza. This is Plaza Nueva, home to the Ayuntamiento, the town hall and is frequently used for many markets and mini festivals throughout the year. 

Take a break here under the trees in this surprisingly quiet Plaza. From this point on, there are very few cycle lanes in the narrow winding streets of the old town, so the route now follows the one way route of the old town traffic system. 

People walking around Plaza Nueva.
Come here and take a break, you deserve it! Photo credit: Gzzz

Stop 8: Plaza del Museo

Leave Plaza Nueva via Calle Menendez Nuñez, which runs on the far side of the Plaza by Hotel Inglaterra. Continue to the end where you will see the small square of Plaza de la Magdalena. Turn left onto Calle San Pablo, then right onto Calle Bailén. 

Follow this street until you reach Calle Miguel de Cavajal on the right. This street will open onto Plaza del Museo, Home to the Fine Arts Museum (Museo de Bellas Artes).

This Museum is an essential stop for any art lover, it houses artworks by the great painters from Seville such as Velazquez and Murillo, amongst many others and is widely considered the second best gallery in all of Spain. This, and many other amazing museums, can also be found in Seville.

Local’s tip: 

  • Come by on a Sunday morning to visit the art market. A great place to see and buy works by local artists for the most unique souvenir from the city.
A long hall with paintings and people standing at the end of the hall at Museo de Bellas Artes.
If you’re an Art lover, you’ve got to stop here. Photo credit: Anual

Stop 9: Las Setas

Pass straight in front of the museum and cross the road to enter Calle San Vincente and take the first right onto Calle Cardenal Cisneros. Continue on as the road turns into Calle Virgen de los Buenos Libros and then into Calle Teniente Borges.

At the end, take a right, then another right to arrive at Plaza del Duque. This plaza features a statue of Velazquez at its center. Continue around the plaza and enter Calle Campana. 

Local’s tip:

  • To try some of the best sweets in Seville, look no further than La Campana. Still in its original spot, it has become a mainstay of the city. Although in recent years they have expanded and opened other locations, the original cannot be missed. It features on our tastes, tapas, and traditions tour.

Keep going and the great expanse of the Metropol de Sevilla, known locally as las Setas, the mushrooms, can be seen. Looking at the full structure, it is easy to see how it gained its nickname. Head to the top for uninterrupted panoramic views of the city, or go under the structure to see some of the archaeological remains of the ancient city.

An aerial view of the Seville and the Metropol Parasol museum.
The views from Las Setas will be well worth it after biking around Seville. Photo credit: Marcelo Kunze

Stop 10: Alameda de Hercules

Head back down Calle Laraña and take the second right onto Calle Orifa and continue straight past San Andrés’s church. Turn left at the end, then right onto Amor de Dios. At the end of this street, You will see the Alameda de Hercules.

This is the heart of Seville nightlife, though it is also bustling and lively at all times of the day. This great promenade, marked at each end by Roman columns, is filled with bars, restaurants and nightclubs, with even more on the streets that connect to it. Trust us when we say you will feel a little more local having a drink here. 

People walking around Alameda de Hercules in Seville.
No matter what time it is, you’ll enjoy exploring Alameda de Hercules. Photo credit: Patrick Mueller

Stop 11: Feria Market

Leave the Alameda near where you entered it onto Amor de Dios again and follow the road up to the crossroad. Head straight on and the road becomes Correduría and turn left onto Calle Feria. This neighborhood has a different feel.

It is full mostly of independent shops and has a more bohemian atmosphere. Continue on Calle Feria and you will come to Feria market. This is the perfect place to try a variety of tapas within the market itself or some incredible bars and restaurants around the edge which use the amazing fresh ingredients from the market.

A fruit stand at Feria Market in Seville.
Come hungry, you’ll want to grab a few tapas at Feria Market. Photo credit: AXP Photography

Final stop: Arco de Macarena

Head to the end of the street where Calle Feria meets the road that rings the old city. Here we join the city’s bike lane network once more. Turn right onto Calle Resolana until you reach the Macarena Arch, which is where our self guided tour ends. 

The Arch served as the one of the most important entrance points to the city and has undergone a lot of restorations since its original construction in the 12th Century. Next to the Arch, there is the Hermandad de la Macarena, whose Virgin, la Virgen de la Macarena, is one of the most revered in the city. 

So where do you go now? Head back down Calle Resolana to get to the river or continue on the cycle path to complete a circuit of the city and pass by more of the city walls, some more hermandades to arrive back at Jardines de Murillo and Prado de San Sebastián.

A map of the route can be found here

The end of the self-guided bike tour at Arco de Macarena.
From the Macarena Arch there’s still plenty to explore. Photo credit: Gzzz
Photo of author
About the author

Siobhan moved to Seville from the UK over 10 years ago, and instantly fell in love with the city. So much so she decided to settle down. Now married and a mum to a young son, she continues to love travelling around Andalusia, reading a good book, and getting stuck into arts and crafts like knitting and oil painting.

More by Siobhan Williams

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